Vinaigrerie - Distillerie - Ferme Du Capitaine


  • Local Specialities

    Our Distillery and the Vinegar factory is inviting you to come visit us!
    This agricultural business will introduce you to experienced and dedicated…

  • Wineries and Local Liquor Producers

    It's here that the magic happens starting with the production of our croft and the transformation of blackcurrant, into different products (coulis,…


Good to Know:
Two sites with distinct schedules that will give you an enriching experience of new flavours, know-how, culinary discoveries and a passionate "authentic" story. - 1)The Distillery - Vinaigrerie 4748 ch Royal (150 meters behind, up the hill ) is open from July to September - Schedule for guided tours, reservation are mandatory, go on line and clic on ''plage horaire'' Monday--AM--Tuesday PM--Friday AM-- Saturday PM--Sunday AM ----- - 2) La Boutique Du Capitaine (at 4734 ch Royal) opens every day from mid-June. *self-picking bio red currant and black currant from July 25 to August 10 --- Wednesday Friday Saturday Sunday Closed on rainy days.

Free Outdoor on Site

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4748, chemin Royal
Saint-Jean-de-l'Île-d'Orléans, QC,
G0A 3W0
Vinaigrerie - Distillerie - Ferme Du Capitaine

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  • Local Specialities

    Our Distillery and the Vinegar factory is inviting you to come visit us!
    This agricultural business will introduce you to experienced and dedicated farmers and vinegar artisans. Learn how blackcurrants are transformed into delicious organic products. The heady aroma of the various types of vinegar and liqueur as they age in wooden barrels are like ambrosia.
    You can take a guided tour, reservations are mandatory, of the farm up the cliff at 4748 chemin Royal, facing the dock, and find out more about vinegar making and liqueur distillation.

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    Farm Animal Observation
    Guided Tours
    Production Observation
    Products Sold on Site
  • Wineries and Local Liquor Producers

    It's here that the magic happens starting with the production of our croft and the transformation of blackcurrant, into different products (coulis, syrup, spreads) plus vinegars and fine liqueur.
    We offer two activities on our site.
    First, you can visit our installations, reservations are mandatory.
    Consult our schedules. Self-picking of blackcurrant and redcurrant from July 24 to August 10.
    You will discover the splendors of our site with a breathtaking view of the St-Lawrence River.
    By the way! We are certified ORGANIC.

    Farm Animal Observation
    Guided Tours
    Production Observation
    Products Sold on Site