Portneuf, Culture de saveurs
Local Specialities
Group of agrifood producers. Come meet them, taste the products and enjoy a tasty experience! Pick-Your-Own, farms, microbreweries, vineyards, cheese…
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The Portneuf region is full of riches and a diversity of flavors offered by our food producers! Come meet them, experience the unique atmosphere of…
Portneuf region, QC,
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Local SpecialitiesGroup of agrifood producers. Come meet them, taste the products and enjoy a tasty experience! Pick-Your-Own, farms, microbreweries, vineyards, cheese, chocolate, and more. Stop at the kiosk at the farm or at a producer's shop, experience the unique atmosphere of gourmet events and Portneuf public markets, enter the grocery stores and discover the restaurants that offer our delicious products. Many local flavours to discover!
Available Unavailable Farm Animal Observation Guided Tours Pick-Your-Own Production Observation Products Sold on Site -
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- Jonathan Robert photographe
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Pick-Your-OwnThe Portneuf region is full of riches and a diversity of flavors offered by our food producers! Come meet them, experience the unique atmosphere of gourmet events and Portneuvois public markets, taste local products and root yourself in the present moment! Several member of Portneuf, Culture de saveurs offer the possibility of going and picking your own fruits or vegetables.