Musée huron-wendat
The Huron-Wendat Museum presents one of the rarest collections emphasizing the wealth of the culture and the know-how of the Huron-Wendat. The Museum…
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Aboriginal Tourism
The Huron-Wendat Museum presents one of the rarest collections emphasizing the wealth of the culture and the know-how of the Huron-Wendat. The Museum…
All Days: 9am - 5pm
Wendake, QC,
G0A 4V0
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MuseumsBuy TicketsThe Huron-Wendat Museum presents one of the rarest collections emphasizing the wealth of the culture and the know-how of the Huron-Wendat. The Museum shares the same entrance as the Hôtel-Musée Premières Nations.
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Aboriginal TourismBuy TicketsThe Huron-Wendat Museum presents one of the rarest collections emphasizing the wealth of the culture and the know-how of the Huron-Wendat. The Museum shares the same entrance as the Hôtel-Musée Premières Nations.