Musée naval de Québec


170, rue Dalhousie
QC, G1K 8M7

The Naval Museum of Québec tells the history of the St. Lawrence River and the Naval Reserve of Canada. You will be captained by historical records which appeal to emotions and which encourage questions on the impact of wars and the importance of working for peace. You will discover miscon stories: St. Lawrence naval battles, the men and women's stories which have made the history of the Canadian Navy.

Temporarily closed

Good to Know:
Open upon request from September to June.

Access for Mobility Impaired People:

Outdoor on site for a fee

TripAdvisor Traveler Rating
TripAdvisor 3.5 (Based on 17 reviews)

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Trip Advisor

170, rue Dalhousie
Québec, QC,
G1K 8M7
Musée naval de Québec

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